MN CIT MPD Certificate Class Inver Grove Heights 060225
June 2 @ 08:00 - June 6 @ 17:00
Minneapolis PD Certification Class – 5 days, POST approved. (MPD staff only) This week’s class is intense and interactive. It gives an in-depth look at mental illness and its implications for law enforcement. We cover: schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, mood disorders, cognitive disorders, personality and substance disorders, suicide assessment, adolescent & elder issues, PTSD, suicide by cop, and mental health courts. Advocates and consumers of mental health services speak on their experiences, there are panel discussions and role play exercises with professional actors.
You will be asked confirm that you have read the following before purchasing a reservation for this course:
Minnesota Crisis Intervention Team is a continuing education sponsor as approved by the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training. This course is a MN CIT Certification Class, Course Number 10172-0024, has been approved by the POST Board for continuing education credit. Peace officers who successfully complete this course will receive hours of continuing education. The sponsor of this course has a written policy for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. This policy applies to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and students. A copy of the policy may be obtained from the sponsor by contacting administration@mncit.org.