MN CIT 40-Hour Certificate Class Hopkins 081825
August 18 @ 08:00 - August 22 @ 17:00
$975.0040 Hour Certification Class – 5 days, POST approved. This class is intense and interactive. It provides an understanding of major and severe forms of mental illness, gives an in-depth look at its implications for law enforcement, develops a practical assessment plan for working with people in crisis, as well as teaches intervention and de-escalation techniques while addressing the safety for all involved. In addition to covering mental illnesses, this class will also include substance disorders, suicide assessment, adolescent & elder issues, ASD, PTSD, suicide by cop, officer wellness, cultural considerations & implicit bias, and mental health courts. Advocates and consumers of mental health services speak on their experiences, there are panel discussions, and role play exercises with professional actors.
POST members who complete this class will will receive 40 hours of continuing education credits which include the 16 hours of POST mandatory learning objective credits required for license renewal.
**Please use CHROME browser when registering for class.